"I just don’t have words to describe how powerful the first two days of the retreat were and to express my gratitude for your masterful facilitating. Thank you! We are all so motivated and, I think, stronger together."
- Susan Mason, Executive Director, What's Next Washington
"I especially want to acknowledge Scott’s incredibly graceful and warm hosting style, and thorough grasp of the material."
- Steve Byers, Co-Founder, Puget Sound Authentic Leadership Community of Practice
"I've taken the lessons to heart"
The last several days since our retreat have been time to reflect, engage and practice the essential tenets of Structural Integrity you shared with us. I really found the retreat inspiring, and at the same time, it caused me to reflect on my role within the organization and my interaction with our fellow board members. I've taken the lessons to heart.
- Zak Kinneman, Board President, What's Next Washington
"fosters collaboration & trust"
Scott demonstrated his amazing talents as a convenor and facilitator, his ability to navigate complex conversations, to design appropriate group processes and to foster collaboration and trust building. Scott's tremendous talent is matched by his deep humility and self-awareness. His facilitation work is grounded in a deep understanding of systems and complexity.
- Kelly Hawke Baxter, Board Member, The Natural Step Canada
"keeping progress in focus"
Scott listens deeply and guides the group in distilling lengthy conversations down to common threads. When he presents summaries of these ideas back to the group he doesn’t just restate what he heard. Instead he weaves together the common threads to form core questions, concerns, and goals that carry our discussions to the next level. Scott speaks and acts collaboratively while keeping progress in focus and the group on task. He communicates gently with humor, respect and wisdom. He graciously puts group members at ease through his attention to detail and compassion for others.
- Elisa Hays, Authentic Leadership Community of Practice
"see clearly, choose deliberately"
Scott uses his knowledge in a facile way that helps those he is working with benefit from it without feeling overly directed or controlled. His skill set of insight, articulation, sensitivity, candor and integrity richly enhance his knowledge and experience. He conveys an incredible presence of calm, care and competence. Scott is collaborative and inclusive at every step. He challenges and invites others to see more clearly, choose more deliberately, and, ultimately, to live and work in the world in ways that are life-affirming and future-oriented.
- Judith K. Schaefer, O.P., PhD
Chair, Chapter 2016 Agenda Committee
Sinsinawa Dominicans
"synthesis without judgement"
Scott's professionalism and presence are immediately apparent. His attention to detail, organized approach and clarity in communication stand out in all aspects of his work. When facilitating a process, Scott has the ability to synthesize what's happening 'in the moment' and reflect that back to the group with unequaled clarity and without judgement.
- Tracy Chaplin, Founder, Co-Nexio
"super polished"
You were super polished and able to handle some very challenging comments with grace.
- Workshop participant, Blekinge Institute of Technology